NP in the News

NP launches pilot programme for students to take a minor beyond core discipline

04 May 2021    |   Lianhe Zaobao

NP students can opt to take an extra minor on top of their core discipline to broaden their job prospects. About 1,000 current second-year students will benefit from the Personalised Learning Pathway pilot rolled out last month. The minors can be undertaken through four pathways: professional skills, entrepreneurship, global readiness and social leadership. Each minor will require the completion of three learning units. Each learning unit ranges from 45 to 60 hours over a semester. At the end of their three-year diploma programme, students will be awarded a minor certificate on top of their diploma. The pilot is expected to be fully rolled out in the 2023 academic year for all full-time diploma students at NP.

NP Deputy Principal Mah Wee Beng mentioned that the class schedules of NP's full-time diploma courses will be tweaked to ensure that students have sufficient time to take up minor courses. During NP's graduation ceremony yesterday, Minister for Education and Second Minister for Finance, Mr Lawrence Wong, who graced the event, said that polytechnics will have to continue evolving to keep students prepared for an ever-changing economy. He also encouraged the graduating cohort to persevere in the midst of trying times during the pandemic. This year, NP will be holding smaller ceremonies for its 5,400 graduates. The ceremonies will also be live streamed for their family and friends.


Lianhe Zaobao © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Reproduced with permission.