Every Student Matters
No student should be denied an education because of their financial constraints. NP offers a host of financial schemes to help needy students pay for their educational expenses.
Download Guide to Fees and Financial Assistance for Full-time Diploma Students
Financial Aid for Tuition Fees
- Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents with Per Capita Income (PCI)^ of $2,000 or less
- Singapore Permanent Residents must have executed the Tuition Grant deed with MOE before they are eligible to apply to apply for this subsidy
- Of Malay descent (including Malay, Acehnese, Ambonese, Batak, Bugis, Baniarese, Boyanese, Butonese, Dusun, Dayak, Iban, Indonesia, Javanese, Kadazan, Kelabit, Minangkabau, Murut, Makasarese, Melanau, Sumatran, Sundanese, and Indonesian Extract)
- Students with double-barreled race, having one of the above as the first component, are also eligible (e.g, Malay-Arab)
Coverage / Value
- The subsidy coverage is based on a three-tier system where students with Per Capita Income (PCI)^ of $2,000 or less will be eligible for the following subsidy:
MI/HM Eligible Subsidy $1,400 and below 100% of tuition fee $1,401 to $1,700 75% of tuition fee $1,701 to $2,000 50% of tuition fee - ^ Per capita income (PCI) is defined as the total gross monthly household income (GHI) of immediate and non-immediate family members over the total number of immediate and non-immediate family members.
- This scheme does not cover other compulsory fees charged by the polytechnic during the academic year.
For any enquiries on TTFS or other schemes and programmes offered, students may contact MENDAKI via the contact form.
How to Apply
- Submit online application
Application Period
- Open from 20 Feb 2025 to 30 Apr 2025 (Semester 1).
- Singapore Citizen students with balance in their PSEA (Edusave) accounts; OR
- Students with Singapore Citizen siblings with balance in their PSEA (Edusave) accounts
Coverage / Value
- Up to 100% of tuition fee and other fees, subject to sufficient balance in the account
How to Apply
- Check available balance in your PSEA account, and/or your sibling's if you are using their PSEA account
- Applicants using the funds in their own or their siblings' PSEA account must submit their applications online. If the applicant is above 21 years of age, please login with your own Singpass. If you
are below 21 years old, your parent or legal guardian must complete the form on behalf of the applicant.
- Please note that legal guardians will be required to upload supporting documents as proof that they have the legal authority to decide on behalf of the student. Should further verification be required, NP will contact the student to furnish additional documents.
- Find out more information about PSEA and usage of funds.
Application Period
- Open from 15 Feb 2025 to 30 Apr 2025 (Semester 1). If an application is submitted past the closing date for the semester, it is deemed to be an application for the following semester's fees unless informed otherwise via email to fin_student@np.edu.sg
- For enquiries about using PSEA to pay for your tuition and other fees at NP, please email fin_student@np.edu.sg
- To check on your PSEA account balance or make enquiries, contact the PSEA Scheme Hotline: 6260 0777.
For details, please refer to the: MOE TFL Infographic
- Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents and International students
- Singapore Permanent Residents and International students must have executed the Tuition Grant deed with MOE before they are eligible to apply for the loan
Coverage / Value
- Up to 75% of the tuition fee only
Interest Rates (before 1 April 2024)
- Average of prime rates of DBS, UOB & OCBC at about 4.75%, applicable until 31 April 2027
Interest Rates (after 1 April 2024)
- Standard interest: 3-month compounded Singapore Overnight Rate Average (3M SORA) plus 1.5 percentage points or such other rates as may be determined from time to time by the bank.
- Late payment interest for overdue and unpaid loans/loan instalment: 3M SORA plus 4.5 percentage points or such other rates as may be determined from time to time by the bank.
Interest Accrual
- 1 month after graduation or after leaving the Polytechnic without completing the course
- 1 month after ORD for those with NS obligation
Note on Interest Rates
- The interest rates will be revised on a half-yearly basis based on the 3M Singapore Overnight Rate Average (SORA) published on the Monetary Authority of Singapore’s (MAS) website on 1 March (for the period 1 April to 30 September) or 1 September (for the period 1 October to 31 March of the following calendar year). If 1 March or 1 September falls on a weekend and/or a public holiday when the 3M SORA rates are not published by MAS, we will take the 3M SORA published on the MAS website on the last preceding business.
- The applicable interest rates will be updated on the DBS website every 1 April and 1 October.
Repayment Period
- Maximum of 10 years
Repayment Amount
- Minimum of $100 per month via GIRO
Commencement of Loan Repayment
- For those graduating in 1st half of the year will commence repayment not later than 1st June in the calendar year immediately following the year of graduation
- For those graduating in 2nd half of the year will commence repayment not later than 1st December in the calendar year immediately following the year of graduation
- For those with NS obligation will commence repayment within one year after completion of NS
- For those who leave the Polytechnic without completing the course, repayment will commence from the first day of the month immediately upon the receipt of notification of such happening
How to Apply
- Submit online application
- A list of required supporting documents, guide to obtaining digibank access as well as frequently asked questions is available on the DBS website
Application Period
- Open from 15 Feb 2025 to 30 Apr 2025 (Semester 1). If an application is submitted past the closing date for the semester, it is deemed to be an application for the following semester’s fees unless informed otherwise via email to fin_student@np.edu.sg
- To find out more, please call the DBS Tuition Fee Loan hotline at 6333 0033
* Important note for students on MOE TFL who are graduating in Apr 2024 semester
If you have used the Tuition Fee Loan scheme during your course of study at NP and will be graduating at the end of this semester, do check that your contact info and home address are correct at the self-service portal. All updates to the contact information should be completed before 30 Sept 2024.
- Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents
- Permanent Residents must have executed the Tuition Grant deed with MOE before they are eligible to apply for this scheme
Coverage / Value
- Withdrawal limit for education is 40% of the balance in the Ordinary Account (OA), including amounts withdrawn for education and investments
- Up to 100% of tuition fee only
Interest Rate
- Prevailing CPF interest rate on Ordinary Account, up to 3.50% pa. Interest rate is reviewed quarterly
Interest Accrual
- Interest will be charged from the time the savings are withdrawn
Repayment Period
- Maximum of 12 years
Repayment Amount
- Minimum $100 per month in cash payable to CPF Board
- CPF Savings cannot be used for repayment
Commencement of Loan Repayment
- 1 year after graduation OR;
- 1 year after leaving the Polytechnic without completion of course
How to Apply
- Applications must submit their online applications by logging in with SingPass. Please ensure that both applicant and CPF member have valid SingPass accounts before applying.
Application Period
- Open from 15 Feb 2025 to 30 Apr 2025 (Semester 1).
- To find out more, please call the CPF Education Loan Scheme hotline at 1800-227-1188
- Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents
- Singapore Permanent Residents must have executed the Tuition Grant deed with MOE before they are eligible to apply to apply for the loan
- Must have taken up the Tuition Fee Loan OR;
- Must have taken up the MENDAKI Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy OR;
- Must have used the CPF Education Scheme or a combination of the Tuition Fee Loan and CPF Education Scheme to pay for 100% of tuition fee
Coverage / Value
- Students who have taken up the Tuition Fee Loan can borrow up to 25% of tuition fee, plus maximum amount of $2,000 for living expenses
- Students who have used other financial aid schemes to pay for 100% of tuition fees can borrow up to $2,000 for living expenses
Interest Rates (before 1 April 2024)
- Average of prime rates of DBS, UOB & OCBC at about 4.75%, applicable until 31 April 2027
Interest Rates (after 1 April 2024)
- Standard interest: 3-month compounded Singapore Overnight Rate Average (3M SORA) plus 1.5 percentage points or such other rates as may be determined from time to time by the bank.
- Late payment interest for overdue and unpaid loans/loan instalment: 3M SORA plus 4.5 percentage points or such other rates as may be determined from time to time by the bank. be determined from time to time by the bank.
Interest Accrual
- For students with monthly per capita income of not more than $500, not applicable
- For students with monthly per capita income above $500 and not more than $2,700
- For those graduating in 1st half of the year will be charged interest commencing from 1st June in the year of graduation
- For those graduating in 2nd half of the year will be charged interest commencing from 1st December in the year of graduation
- For those with NS obligation, interest will commence from the first day of the month immediately following the month they finish NS
- For those who leave the Polytechnic without completing the course, interest will commence from the first day of the month immediately upon the receipt of notification of such happening
Note on Interest Rates
- The interest rates will be revised on a half-yearly basis based on the 3M Singapore Overnight Rate Average (SORA) published on the Monetary Authority of Singapore’s (MAS) website on 1 March (for the period 1 April to 30 September) or 1 September (for the period 1 October to 31 March of the following calendar year). If 1 March or 1 September falls on a weekend and/or a public holiday when the 3M SORA rates are not published by MAS, we will take the 3M SORA published on the MAS website on the last preceding business.
- The applicable interest rates will be updated on the DBS website every 1 April and 1 October.
Repayment Period
- For students with monthly per capita income of not more than $500, maximum 2 years
- For students with monthly per capita income above $500 and not more than $2,400, maximum 5 years
Repayment Amount
- Minimum of $100 per month via GIRO
Commencement of Loan Repayment
- 6 months after graduation OR;
- 2 months after ORD for those with NS obligation
How to Apply
- Approach Financial Counsellor at Student Care Centre, Blk 22 Lvl 3 or email askSAS@np.edu.sg.
Bursaries & Grants
Eligibility and Value of Award
- * Award is subject to the availability of funds. Applicants may be called for an interview.
- # Singapore Citizen students with Per Capital Income (PCI) of $1,100 and below or Gross Household Income (GHI) of $4,400 and below will be eligible for an additional top-up grant from the NP Donor Student Aid Fund.

How To Apply
- Apply via NPAL Student Portal
- For more information on application procedures and checklist of required supporting documents:
- Singaporean students, please refer to this application guide for more info
- Singapore PR and international students, please refer to this application guide for more info
Application Period
- Applications for AY2025 are open between 1 to 27 April 2025
Other Information
- Applicants must be enrolled in an NP course at the time of application and award of the bursary, and in receipt of the MOE Tuition Grant subsidy
- Bursaries & Grants are awarded once a year, and a fresh application is required for every year of study.
- In general, applicants must not be receiving sponsorships/full scholarships in the same academic year. As a reference, full scholarships cover tuition fees payable and a monthly or annual living allowance.
- The duration between application and receipt of bursary money generally takes up to three months. Recipients will be notified through their NP Connect email of the estimated date of receipt of bursary money.
- No repayment is required. However, the bursary must be refunded in part or in full if the student withdraws from or is terminated from his/her studies.
- Should an applicant’s household income worsen due to justifiable unforeseen circumstances after bursary award, he/she may appeal for a reassessment of the eligibility for a higher quantum government bursary.
This scheme is administered by respective CDCs/CCCs. It is offered to applicants who are Singapore Citizens with per capital income of not more than $1,100 or gross monthly household income of not more than $4,400. It is co-funded by the Government, Community Development Council (CDC) and Citizens' Consultative Committee (CCC).
- Full-time government-subsidized diploma student
- Singapore Citizen
Value of Award
- PCI less than $751 or GHI less than $3,001:
- PCI $751 to $1,100 or GHI from $3,001 to $4,400: $2,600
- Additional top-up Student Aid Grant to defray the costs of tuition fees and other educational expenses to be accorded automatically
Disbursement of Award
- Approved applicants will receive the bursary award in two tranches
- The award will be disbursed via GIRO credited to bank account, minus any outstanding tuition fees at point of disbursement
How To Apply
- Apply via NPal Student Portal
- For more information on application procedures and checklist of required supporting documents, please refer to the
application guide
Application Period
- Applications for AY2025 are open between 1 to 27 April 2025
Funded by the Government, the bursary provides financial assistance to Singaporean students from the lower to middle income groups, as part of the Government's commitment to ensure that no able students are deterred by the cost of post-secondary education due to their financial circumstances.
- Full-time government-subsidized diploma student
- Singapore Citizen
Value of Award
- PCI $1,101 to $1,875 or GHI from $4,401 to $7,500:
- PCI $1,876 to $2,500 or GHI from $7,501 to $10,000: $900
Disbursement of Award
- Approved applicants will receive the bursary award in two tranches
- The award will be disbursed via GIRO credited to bank account, minus any outstanding tuition fees at point of disbursement
How To Apply
- Apply via NPal Student Portal
- For more information on application procedures and checklist of required supporting documents, please refer to the
application guide
Application Period
- Applications for AY2025 are open between 1 to 27 April 2025
With generous donations from philanthropic individuals, charitable organizations and foundations, NP is able to help more financially challenged students in the form of bursaries and grants. Administered by NP, these bursaries and grants are valued between $900 to $5,000 per academic year.
Application for private donor bursaries and grants is by nomination only for full-time diploma students with Gross Household Income of less than $10,000, or Per Capita Income of less than $2,500. The selection of candidates and the award of bursary may be based on other eligibility criteria such as nationality, course of study, financial need and academic performance. Shortlisted applicants may be invited to attend an interview.
Private Donor Bursaries
Award Description | Donor |
Annie Tan (Mrs Wan Boo Sow) 陳玉貞 (雲茂潮夫人) ASEAN Bursary | Family of the Late Mr Wan Boo Sow (雲茂潮先生) |
Annie Tan (Mrs Wan Boo Sow) 陳玉貞 (雲茂潮夫人) Chinese Studies Bursary | Family of the Late Mr Wan Boo Sow (雲茂潮先生) |
GGB Family Care Fund Bursary | GGB Family Care Fund |
Lian Shan Shuang Lin Monastery Bursary | Lian Shan Shuang Lin Monastery |
Lien Ying Chow Bursary | Lien Foundation |
N K Lee Bursary | Mr Lee Nam Kwang |
PAP Community Foundation (PCF) Study Award | PAP Community Foundation |
Pesi B Davar Memorial Scholarship (Bursary) | Pesi B Davar Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Real Estate Business Bursary | Anonymous |
Tan Agnes Jiannee Bursary | Anonymous |
Tan Joo Kee Scholarship (Bursary) | Late Mr Tan Joo Kee |
Ted de Ponti Bursary | Estate of the Late Mr Ted de Ponti |
Toh Kian Chui Foundation Bursary | Toh Kian Chui Foundation |
Wan Boo Sow (雲茂潮) ASEAN Bursary | Family of the Late Mr Wan Boo Sow (雲茂潮先生) |
Worldwide Hotels – Choo Chong Ngen Bursary | Mr Choo Chong Ngen |
Private Donor Student Aid Grants
Award Description | Donor |
Annie Tan (Mrs Wan Boo Sow) 陳玉貞 (雲茂潮夫人) Professional Student Aid Grant | Family of the Late Mr Wan Boo Sow (雲茂潮先生) |
Arborleaf Student Aid Grant | Mr Clayton Lee |
Chan Cheak Tin & Chue Wai Seen Student Aid Grant | Ms Chan Mee Yee |
Chan Lai Yee Student Aid Grant | Ms Chan Mee Yee |
Chew Gim Heng Student Aid Grant | Mr Chew Gim Heng |
Choo & Lim Student Aid Grant | Mr Choo Chiau Beng |
Class of 1983 Student Aid Grant | Prof. Ho Yew Kee |
Crowe Student Aid Grant | Crowe Singapore |
Daniel Choo Student Aid Grant | Mr Daniel Choo Chern Li |
Dr & Mrs Lim BC Student Aid Grant | Anonymous |
Effissimo Foundation Student Aid Grant | Anonymous |
EuTech Student Aid Grant | Ms Yu Chuan Teh |
Evelyn Chew Student Aid Grant | Ms Evelyn Chew |
FAM (Fortitude Assurance Management) Student Aid Grant | Mr Augustine Seah |
Franklin Covey Student Aid Grant | Franklin Covey Singapore Pte Ltd |
Fu Da Jewellery & Goldsmith Student Aid Grant | Fu Da Jewellery & Goldsmith Pte Ltd |
George Chow Student Aid Grant | George Chow Endowment Fund |
Dr Georgia Lee Student Aid Grant | Dr Georgia Lee |
Ho Choon Hiong Student Aid Grant | Write Your Own Story Foundation |
Hong Leong Foundation Student Aid Grant | Hong Leong Foundation Pte Ltd |
HUATS Student Aid Grant | Mr Fu Yongwei, Dr Chua Dingjuan, Ms Cheow Wan Ling Taffy Joan, Ms Lim Hui Min |
Invictus Student Aid Grant | Mr and Mrs Kevin Chua |
JEL Student Aid Grant | Jurong Engineering Limited |
K C Lee Student Aid Grant |
K C Lee & Family |
Kok Yoke Kheng Student Aid Grant | Ms Tan Mee Nah |
Kristie Lim Student Aid Grant | Ms Kristie Lim Gek Hoon |
Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple Student Aid Grant |
Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple |
L-QuBe Student Aid Grant |
Mr and Mrs Low Jun Wei |
Lee Foundation Student Aid Grant |
Lee Foundation |
Lien Ying Chow Student Aid Grant |
Lien Foundation |
Life Inc. Rising Stars Student Aid Grant |
Mr Han Yun Jia Josh |
Lim Chiew Sen Student Aid Grant |
Mr Lim Chiew Sen and Mdm Tan Li Lian |
Lim Leng Swan Study Award |
Diana Koh Foundation |
Loke Mun Chong Student Aid Grant |
Late Mr Loke Mun Chong |
Mind Stretcher Student Aid Grant |
Mind Stretcher Education Pte Ltd |
Mothership Bursary (Student Aid Grant) | Bridgewater Holdings Pte Ltd |
N K Lee Student Aid Grant |
Mr Lee Nam Kwang |
NAA Student Aid Grant |
Ngee Ann Alumni |
Ng PH Student Aid Grant |
Mr Ng Poh Hwa |
NP Co-op Student Aid Grant |
Ngee Ann Polytechnic Cooperative Society |
NP Student Aid Grant |
Various donors |
Owls Student Aid Grant |
Anonymous |
Real Estate Business Student Aid Grant |
SAEA Ltd |
Renee Chew Student Aid Grant |
Late Ms Renee Chew Bee Neo |
Richard Giam Student Aid Grant | Mr Richard Giam |
Richard Lee Memorial Fund Student Aid Grant | Richard Lee Memorial Fund |
Saw Ken Wye Student Aid Grant |
Mr Saw Ken Wye |
Seng Family Student Aid Grant |
Mr Seng Kwang Heng |
Shanti-O'Brien Student Aid Grant |
Anonymous |
Shaw Foundation Student Aid Grant |
Shaw Foundation |
Silver Lining Student Aid Grant | Anonymous |
Tan Boon Hua Student Aid Grant |
Mr Tan Boon Hua |
Tan Eng Keow Student Aid Grant |
Late Mr Giam Choo Huat |
Tan Tong Kiat Student Aid Grant |
Mr Tan Chin Chong |
Tay Family Student Aid Grant |
Mr Tay Kai Ren |
The Daisy Phay Foundation Student Aid Grant |
The Daisy Phay Foundation |
UOL Student Aid Grant |
UOL Group Limited |
Wan Boo Sow (雲茂潮) Student Aid Grant |
Family of the Late Mr Wan Boo Sow (雲茂潮先生) |
WangLong Student Aid Grant |
Anonymous |
Wee Hoe Cheng Chemicals Student Aid Grant |
Wee Hoe Cheng Chemicals Pte Ltd |
Woke Salaryman Student Aid Grant |
Salaryman Pte Ltd |
Yam Family Student Aid Grant |
Ms Barbara Yam |
Yongjing Investments Student Aid Grant |
Yongjing Investments Pte Ltd |
Other Grants and Awards
Award Description | Donor |
Income OrangeAid |
Income Insurance Limited |
IWF Education Grant |
IWF Singapore Education Grants Fund |
NParks-Peter Lim Awards |
Mr Peter Lim |
Singapore Buddhist Lodge Education Foundation Bursary |
Singapore Buddhist Lodge Education Foundation |
Temasek Foundation Study Award for Community Development (Student Aid Grant) |
Temasek Foundation |
Temasek Foundation Union Leader Scholarships |
Temasek Foundation |
Financial Aid for IT Devices
- Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents and International students
- Gross Household Income (GHI) of $4,400 and below or Per Capita Income (PCI) of $1,100 and below
Loan Amount
- Up to $2,000 (inclusive of GST) for notebook computer
- Eligible students will have the Opportunity Fund Subsidy net off against the total loan amount repayable
Interest Rate
- Not applicable
Repayment Period
- Maximum of 2 years
Repayment Amount
- Minimum $100 per month via GIRO
- In the event that the student leaves the Polytechnic without completing his/her course of study, the loan shall become due and payable immediately, subject to the Polytechnic’s right to allow repayment by monthly installments as it deems fit
- Interest of 1% per month shall be charged if student defaults on loan repayment
Commencement of Repayment
- No later than 14 months upon graduation
- Those with NS obligation will commence repayment within one year upon Operational Ready Date (ORD)
Loan Guarantor
- Above 21 years of age and below 60 years of age, and not be an undischarged bankrupt
- Singaporean applicants must have a Singaporean guarantor, Singapore PRs and international students must have a Singaporean or Singapore PR guarantor
Terms & Conditions
- The device shall be used by the student for his/her course of study in the Polytechnic, and he/she shall not lend, hire or sell the device to any other person
- The Polytechnic reserves the right to withdraw the interest-free loan if the student is deemed to be using the device for purposes other than for his/her study
How to Apply
- Submit online application using the Singpass of student applicant
- More information including approved list of vendors and supporting documents required can be found here (920KB)
Other Information
- The loan is not available for purchase of Apple MacBooks.
- For other general enquiries (apart from financing loans), please contact the Office of Learning Technologies at 6460 6295 / 6460 6614.
This one-time IT device subsidy aims to help students offset some of the cost of purchasing IT devices. The subsidy is given on a reimbursement basis.
- Singapore Citizens
- Gross Household Income of $4,400 or less, or Per Capita Income of $1,100 or less
- Notebook computers (excluding MacBooks) must be purchased from
NP-authorized vendors listed on the Notebook website
- If the preferred model is out of stock, please check with the vendor on the restock timeline, do not purchase from external vendors
- Purchases made from other vendors include official Apple retailers such as Challenger, Best Denki will not be eligible for the subsidy
- For students who require an Apple MacBook for their course of study, and wish to apply for the Opportunity Fund Subsidy: the MacBook must be purchased from the Apple Store (education pricing available)
- Purchases from Apple Authorized Resellers such as iStudio, Switch, Challenger will not be eligible for the subsidy
- Application must be made within three months from the date of invoice/receipt date
- Must have not received this subsidy before
Coverage / Value
- Reimbursement of $400 for notebook computer
How to Apply
- Submit online application using the Singpass of student applicant
- More information including approved list of vendors and supporting documents required can be found here (920KB)
Disbursement of Subsidy
- Students who have paid for the purchase upfront will receive the reimbursement via GIRO credited to bank account
- Students who have applied to finance the purchase through the Notebook Loan will have the reimbursement net off against the total amount repayable
The DigitalAccess@Home scheme by IMDA provides subsidized broadband and digital devices (laptop or tablet) to low-income Singaporean households to strengthen digital inclusion.
- Students with at least one Singapore Citizen in the household
- Gross Household Income (GHI) of $3,400 or less, or Per Capita Income (PCI) of $900 or less
Coverage / Value
Subsidy Tier | Eligibility Criteria | Price of Laptop |
Tier 1 | You or household member is a beneficiary of HDB’s Public Rental Scheme OR MSF’s ComCare Long-Term/ Short-to-Medium Term Assistance OR MOE’s Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS) AND your GHI ≤ $1900 or PCI ≤ $650 | $220 - $235 |
Tier 2 | You meet DigitalAccess@Home Scheme eligibility criteria, and reside in HDB 1-3 room flat OR You or household member is a beneficiary of MOE’s FAS, but you do not meet the criteria for Tier 1 | $445 - $475 |
Tier 3 | You meet DigitalAccess@Home Scheme eligibility criteria, and reside in HDB 4 room flat or larger | $665 - $710 |
How To Apply
- Submit online application
Other Information
For more information, please visit the IMDA website
Additional Financial Aid
Post Secondary Education Account (PSEA) Ad-hoc Withdrawal
Students may apply for an ad-hoc withdrawal from their or their siblings' Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA) to pay for fees for enrichment programs, including Overseas Student Programmes (OSP).
- Singapore Citizens students with balance in their PSEA (Edusave) accounts; OR
- Students with Singapore Citizen siblings with balance in their PSEA (Edusave) accounts
Coverage / Value
- Maximum amount is the full cost less any subsidy or any other forms of sponsorship given to the student
How to Apply
- Check available balance in your PSEA account, and/or your sibling's if you are using their PSEA account
- Download PSEA Ad-hoc Withdrawal form
- Submit the completed form to your advisors for the enrichment programmes or OSPs before the due dates given by them
- For more information about PSEA and usage of funds, please visit the MOE website
Overseas Student Programme (OSP) Loan
- Singapore Citizens
- OSP Loan is only available once during your course of study
- Must not concurrently hold another loan, award, bursary or scholarship that covers the full cost of the OSP
- If you are in receipt for a loan, award, bursary or scholarship that covers part of the expenses, you may apply for the loan to cover the remaining cost less any NP subsidy and any amount withdrawn or to be withdrawn from PSEA for the OSP
Coverage / Value
- Minimum of $500
- Up to a maximum amount of 100% of full cost of OSP, less subsidies, sponsorships or withdrawals from PSEA
Commencement of Repayment
- 1 year after graduation; OR
- Upon employment, whichever earlier
- Email fin_student@np.edu.sg for enquiries pertaining to the OSP Loan
- All full-time students (Singaporeans, Permanent Residents and International students)
- In serious need of financial support due to acute unforeseen circumstances such as death of the sole breadwinner, retrenchment that led to having no household income, terminal illness, accident/hospitalization of immediate family members within the
last 3 months and in the absence of such financial assistance will jeopardize student’s education
Coverage / Value
- One-time grant of $500
How to Apply
- Download
application form (927KB)
- Email completed application form and supporting documents to
Contact Us
Financial Assistance EnquiriesEmail: SAS_FAS@np.edu.sg
Block 22 Level 3 Student Care Centre