Code of Conduct


  1. As a place for further education and character development, Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP) seeks to help its students cultivate academic and personal excellence in an inclusive and supporting way, while respecting the dignity and rights of each person. NP believes in providing a healthy environment where everyone is treated with mutual respect and dignity. Thus students are expected to act and uphold the highest standards of integrity, honesty, and respect for self and others.
  2. The Student Code of Conduct serves to guide students in both their academic and non-academic pursuits by providing an overview of the behaviour expected of them. It is intended to serve as a general framework and not to be treated as an exhaustive list. It is centred on three fundamental aspects:
    • Academic Integrity
    • Respect for Self and Others
    • Compliance with NP Rules and Regulations, and Singapore Laws
  3. As part of the student community, each student is to assume self-responsibility for knowing and upholding the Student Code of Conduct, and is expected to conduct himself/herself in ways that promote a safe and respectful community within NP and in the greater community outside the Institution. In all activities on and off campus, students are expected to behave responsibly and in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct, in their capacity whether as organizers or participants.
  4.  It is the responsibility of all students to acquaint themselves with and comply with the Polytechnic’s Student Code of Conduct.

Student Responsibilities

A. Academic Integrity

  1. NP aims to provide a conducive environment for students to pursue academic excellence and achieve their personal best. Students are expected to take responsibility for their learning, and uphold high standards of integrity and academic honesty at all times. This responsibility includes but is not limited to attending classes punctually, participating actively, completing all assignments and projects in a timely manner, and submitting or presenting their own work. For information relating to examinations and absence, please see ‘Examination Notices For Full-Time Students’ under Additional Information.
  2. Students should refrain from cheating in any form, such as deceptive fabrication, plagiarism and violation of intellectual property and copyright laws. Any student found cheating will be liable to disciplinary actions. Please see NP’s Plagiarism Policy for more information under Additional Information.

B. Respect for Self and Others

Dignity and Well-Being

  1. Students should respect and care for the dignity and well-being of others in consideration of their gender, race, religion, values and disabilities.
  2. Students should refrain from any conduct that demeans, intimidates, threatens, harasses or injures any individual, such as bullying, fighting, making derogatory remarks, sexual misconduct as described in para 13 below.
  3. All forms of explicit or suggestive harassment or bullying, be it verbal, physical and/or sexual, will not be tolerated by the Polytechnic.

Ragging (also known as Hazing)

  1. Students should not engage or participate in any action or situation that offends, degrades, embarrasses, harasses or ridicules another person(s), and risks emotional or physical harm to another person(s).
  2. Students who abuse their positions of authority by allowing such conduct or by being involved in the planning or execution of ragging activities will be dealt with severely by the Polytechnic.
  3. Any form of ragging will not be tolerated,regardless of whether consent has been given by the subjects of the ragging activities and/or whether there is any intention of harm. Subjects of the ragging activities may also be sanctioned if they have willingly participated in these activities.

Sexual Misconduct

  1. The Polytechnic will not tolerate the following:-
    • Sexual assault;
    • Sexual contact;
    • Sexual harassment;
    • Sexual exploitation; and
    • Any other forms of sexual misconduct.
  2. Students should not engage in any of these acts (see definitions of sexual misconduct under Additional Information) whether in the form of an action, verbal, in writing and/or on digital media.

Sensitivity of Online Expression and Use of Social Media

  1. Students should show consideration and respect for others; conduct themselves with professionalism; protect confidentiality; and not be a cyberbully when expressing their views and in the use of social media. The terms are explained below:
    • Students should avoid expressing views or disseminating materials that convey insensitive or disrespectful connotations in compliance with the Singapore law. Students should not post messages and personal photographs that are offensive, racist, vulgar and threatening.
    • Students are expected to respect the intellectual property rights and copyrights of NP and other creators or organisations. They should not use text, photos, music or video content without seeking the owner’s permission.
    • Students are reminded to exercise professionalism when posting or reposting a link online. Students expressing their views on politics, race, religion or other matters should make clear that they are doing so in their own personal capacity. They should not use any NP platform to express inappropriate views.
    • Students should protect confidentiality by not sharing information or photos of others without consent. They should respect the other party by seeking their expressed consent before sharing online.
    • Students should not engage in cyberbullying behaviours such as harassing, hurting, frightening, criticizing, intimidating, flaming, impersonating, exposing, tricking and cyberstalking.

Dress Code

  1. Students are encouraged to dress appropriately to create a positive impression when they are on campus or representing NP in any activities off campus, locally and overseas. Revealing or skimpy clothing and clothes that contain offensive words or images are considered inappropriate.
  2. Students are expected to comply with proper attire and footwear during all NP activities, especially in workshop and laboratory environments where safety is a concern. Students must be readily identifiable at all times. To ensure easy identification, any veils, materials, or face coverings that could obscure identification are not permitted.

C. Compliance with NP Rules & Regulations, Singapore Laws and Host Country Laws

  1. Students are obliged to observe and uphold NP rules and regulations as well as the laws of Singapore at all times. When students undertake an overseas programme, attachment, or internship, they are expected to also observe and uphold the laws of the host country and the regulations of the respective partner institutions

Alcohol and Drugs

  1. The possession and consumption of alcohol or drugs are strictly prohibited on campus and during NP activities or trips. Students caught with drug-related offence will be handed over to the police.

Cards and Gambling

  1. The playing of cards games associated with gambling, using poker cards or other cards as substitutes are strictly prohibited on campus and during NP activities or trips.


  1. Students must bear in mind the good name of the Polytechnic and are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner during their internships. The terms are explained below:
    • Students going on internships must attend the compulsory pre-internship briefing. During internships, students must comply with the Student Code of Conduct and fulfil the student intern’s obligations in accordance with the Terms & Conditions of NP’s Graded Internship Programme (see more details under Additional Information).
    • Students are also expected to adhere to the employer’s employment policies, rules, regulations and requirements (e.g. dress code, workplace safety rules, non-disclosure of information). Students on overseas internships are expected to observe and uphold the laws and regulations of the host country.
    • Students are not allowed to withdraw from the internship without prior approval from the NP Internship Supervisor (NPIS) and company supervisor.
    • Students are reminded to be mindful of their personal safety and to inform the NPIS immediately if they suspect their personal safety is compromised (e.g. emergency situations and misconduct) and remain contactable during internship.

Smoking and Vaping Policy

  1. NP is a smoke-free campus.
    • Smoking is strictly prohibited on campus and within a 5-metre radius of the NP fence line. Additionally, students under the legal age of 21 are prohibited from possessing tobacco products or cigarettes. It is illegal under Singapore law to sell or provide cigarettes to individuals below the legal smoking age.
    • Vaping is illegal in Singapore. The possession and use of vaporisers, including e-cigarettes, e-pipes, and e-cigars, are strictly prohibited. Students who violate the laws of smoking or vaping will face disciplinary action and be referred to the relevant government authorities. Offenders are liable to fines and other penalties imposed by the relevant authorities. This policy applies to all NP students, even during off-campus activities such as CCAs, internships, attachments, or exchange programmes.

Trespass, Vandalism and Theft

  1. Students are not to trespass, vandalise and steal any NP property or property belonging to others on campus. Any act of trespass into NP facilities with or without intent to commit an offence or to intimidate others, vandalism, and theft of NP property or property belonging to others shall be reported to the Police.

Use of Bicycles and Personal Mobility Devices

  1. Students are to observe safe use of bicycles and personal mobility devices (PMD) in campus. The use of bicycles and PMD are allowed on shared paths with speed limit in compliance with the current law.

Violation of student code of conduct

  1. NP, as a caring educational community, does not tolerate misconduct, be it physical or psychological harm, harassment or violence directed against any person.
  2. Students found infringing the Student Code of Conduct are expected to adhere to the directions of staff personnel, and promptly produce their student cards for identification purposes when requested.
  3. Students will be subject disciplinary actions and the punitive measures to be imposed may include dismissal, suspension, failure in modules and/or other penalties.

Reporting of Suspected Misconduct

  1. If a student is aware of another student acting in violation of the Student Code of Conduct, the student is expected to report the suspected misconduct to his or her academic school staff (advisor, tutor, course chair) as soon as possible. To obtain immediate help whilst witnessing a case of misconduct on campus, students can approach or call the campus security at 6460-6999.
  2. Students can also report such misconduct through the email channel as soon as possible. Reports made should include details of the alleged misconduct, including where, when and how it occurred:
    • The name(s) of the person(s) involved in the alleged misconduct (if known)
    • Any additional information to substantiate the report, with supporting evidence if available
    • Contact details to facilitate clarification and follow-up queries

  3. The Polytechnic encourages whistleblowers to identify themselves and provide their contact particulars so that the Polytechnic can investigate and resolve such matters effectively. All reports will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.
  4. The Polytechnic will not hesitate to report serious offenses to the Police and/or other state authorities, if necessary.

Additional Information