Critical Core Modules

Critical Core Curriculum in NP

* With effect from AY2025

Year 1 Critical Core Modules

Level 1 Critical Core Modules in Year 1 aim to develop an innovative mindset and creative confidence, communication skills and critical thinking about community issues.

This module provides you with an opportunity to be active, keep fit and stay healthy through basic sports skill acquisition. It also aims to enhance your social and psychological well-being through a variety of sports electives while taking you through the process of character development, choice and decision making.
Underpinned by the Design Thinking framework, Innovation Made Possible aims to build creative confidence in you. The module will sensitize you to the process of user-centric problem solving and allow you to discover and hone your innate ability to think creatively, come up with innovations to tackle problems and explore new ideas for your studies and beyond.

English Language Express aims to give you a better grounding in the English Language and to strengthen the written and oral communications skills that you will need in your academic and professional careers. You will be engaged in writing, reading, listening and speaking activities that will develop your ability to speak and write grammatically, coherently and clearly. You will also hone your reading and listening comprehension skills.

*This module is only offered to students who are weaker in the English Language.

The VOICE module aims to empower students to become thoughtful and confident communicators able to tailor a message to suit audience, purpose and context. Students will learn how to use storytelling structures and techniques, persuasive strategies and effective visuals to connect meaningfully with their audience. Through a personalised growth plan, the module encourages students to reflect, set goals and take ownership of their growth and development as communicators. The module employs engaging teaching strategies such as games, thinking routines, masterclasses and workshops, and a celebratory showcase festival at the end to make learning fun and exciting.

Year 2 Critical Core Modules

Level 2 Critical Core Modules aim to develop communication skills &critical thinking in contemporary world issues.

This module will expose you to a wide range of global issues discussed in the context of Singapore as a nation state. You will be guided to critically examine current affairs from various perspectives and develop an appreciation of the dynamism behind current world problems and consider possible solutions. The intent of this module is to develop thinking students with well-considered perspectives who are able to articulate reasonable opinions, make thoughtful decisions and informed choices as active citizens in society. You will also be exposed to a multidisciplinary approach in the mitigation of global challenges and thus be adequately prepared to handle Year 3 IS interdisciplinary Project ID.

Year 3 Critical Core Modules

Level 3 Critical Core Modules give you that extra edge as you’re preparing to carve a niche in the professional working world and advance in your next level of life-long learning.

Project ID aims to prepare you for an increasingly globalized and interconnected world where problems are multi-faceted and require interdisciplinary research and collaboration to solve. Using a project-based learning approach, you will have the opportunity to work in a multi-disciplinary team with students from across the polytechnic to investigate and propose comprehensive recommendations for a pressing real-world problem affecting Singapore. You will be guided to step out of your disciplinary silos and effectively communicate and collaborate with peers from different backgrounds. The module seeks to develop independent learning skills and the ability to synthesize diverse strands of knowledge to solve a complex problem, while impressing on you the importance of being a responsible global citizen.