Marvel of Science + Tech Hackathon 2024

Date: 23-24 October 2024
Time: 9.00am - 6pm
Location: Inno*space at Ngee Ann Polytechnic Campus
Registration closing date: 1 August 2024

Click this form to register students.


It’s free (must find a own replacement if the attendee misses the event due to medical or personal reason)

What to bring:

Personal Laptops with HDMI connectors, writing material presentation device (Optional), cold wear, spill proof water tumbler for drinks inside our newly opened Inno*space

Programme Details

23 October 2024 (Day 1 - Wednesday)
0900 - 0930
0930 - 1000 Introduction and Opening Address by Director, LSCT
1000 - 1230 Understanding the problem statement
1230 - 1330 Lunch at NP canteens
1330 - 1430 Design thinking exercise
1430 - 1530 Integrating LUMA into structured design thinking
1530 - 1630 Breakout into teams
1630 - 1730 Designing the Pitch - Storytelling
1730 - 1800 Debrief
24 October 2024 (Day 2 - Thursday) 0900 - 1000Minimal Viable product/ solution
1000 - 1230Prototyping/ testing
1230 - 1330Lunch at NP canteens
1330 - 1530Presentation Prepwork
1530 - 1630Pitch rehearsal
1630 - 1730Pitch battle
1730 - 1800Prize Presentation

NOTE: Program subjected to change without prior notice.