NP in the News

Ngee Ann Polytechnic sets up first campus renewable energy system

04 Oct 2023    |   Lianhe Zaobao (Online)

Synopsis: NP and Yinson Greentech jointly launched green energy infrastructure on NP’s campus comprising an IoT-enabled smart energy management technology centre called synergy.lab, a solar farm and electric vehicle (EV) charging facilities powered by renewable energy. Acting Minister for Transport, Mr Chee Hong Tat, who graced the launch event, commented that the lab’s launch will enable students to explore real-world engineering solutions in the sustainability and smart mobility fields. Ms Neo Boon Kee, Deputy Director of NP's School of Engineering, shared that the facility will benefit 600 students over the next three years. Wu Wenshi, a student from NP’s Diploma in Electrical Engineering, said that he is looking forward to new technologies that can collate real-time data more effectively.

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