NP in the News

NP launches industry-in-curriculum framework to prepare students for the workforce

24 May 2023    |   Lianhe Zaobao

Synopsis: In conjunction with NP’s Industry Partner’s Day, the polytechnic has announced the launch of its new Industry-in-Curriculum (IiC) framework to equip students with in-demand skill sets. As part of this arrangement, NP will work closely with industry partners to co-develop, co-deliver and co-assess curriculum. Students will benefit from learning industry-current practices through lessons designed by industry experts and even get the opportunity to attain certifications. Mr Lim Kok Kiang, NP’s Principal & CEO, said that the IiC will bridge the gap between academia and industry. Minister for Education Mr Chan Chun Sing, who graced the opening ceremony, commented that the IiC will strengthen Singapore’s competitiveness and develop a steady talent pool for enterprises