Student's Pass Application

We warmly welcome you to Ngee Ann Polytechnic!

As the commencement of your studies in Ngee Ann Polytechnic are subject to the approval of a valid Student's Pass (STP) issued by the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA), it is important that you apply for and obtain a new STP before the start of the school term.

Even if your former secondary school's STP has not expired, you are still required to apply for a new STP.

Failure to do so will render you liable to appropriate action, including the withdrawal from the course offered.

To help you with your online STP application, please refer to the step-by-step guide below. If you have any questions regarding your application, please contact the STP administrator at for assistance.

We wish you an enriching learning journey with Ngee Ann Polytechnic!

Dependent's Pass Holders, please take note of the following:

  1. While studying at Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Dependent's Pass (DP) holders will not be able to engage in work beyond course requirements (including vacation internships).
  2. DP holders will need to apply for a separate LOC issued by Ministry of Manpower (MOM) before commencing internship, as part of the course requirements. This processing time takes at least 4 weeks. If there are changes to the internship company, DP holders will need to submit a new application, for a new MOM-issued LOC to be obtained before the internship starts with this new company.
  3. Hence all DP holders are strongly encouraged to apply for the STP at this point of enrolment. Please consider Option 1 below as STP holders are not subjected to the above work / internship limitations.

    Option 1: Follow the step-by-step guide below to apply for and obtain a STP from ICA, which is valid from the date of issuance, covering the duration of your study at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. Please note that your DP will be terminated by ICA on the date of STP card issuance, as you are only allowed to hold one valid stay pass.

    Option 2: If you choose to remain on your DP while studying at Ngee Ann Polytechnic, you are to ensure that your DP remains valid (i.e. not expired or terminated) throughout your duration of study. Please submit a copy of your current valid DP (front & back) using this form @ for our records.

Important: If your DP is expiring / is going to be terminated while studying at NP, you are required to apply for a STP to cover the remaining duration of your studies and avoid overstayingPlease contact the Student’s Pass Administrator at to request for a STP application number for the above purpose.

Once you have enrolled and paid your tuition fees, use your Student's Pass (STP) Login Details (refer to the 5 required fields in the table below) to apply for the STP at ICA's website, 2 working days after the last day of your course registration period e.g. if your course registration period is from 8 Mar (Fri) to 11 Mar (Mon), you can apply on 13 Mar (Wed).

Click on the Foreign Student button which will direct you to the Student Login page.

Start the application by logging in with the following 5 fields. You may refer to the field format under Information Required and the corresponding Example as a guide.

Student's Pass (STP) Login Details
Student's Pass Application Number

PN-2025-0000FT_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

[Fill in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with your Student ID (9-characters). Refer to your Acceptance of Offer Letter or Student Status Letter for this field.]

Example of Student ID: 10094576D

Full Name reflected on Passport
NationalityCitizenship Country
Date of BirthDD/MM/YYYY20/03/1993

Contact the STP administrator immediately at if any of your STP login fields are incorrect and if you have difficulty logging in. Please submit any error screenshots for assistance. You may be required to submit a copy of your passport biodata for our reference.

Note: Your Full Name has to be the same as the Full Name reflected on your passport.

Click Submit eForm 16 on the Foreign Student Main Menu to complete and submit the eForm16. You are required to attach a recent photograph in softcopy. Please refer to ICA’s photo guidelines specifications.

Note: The Name shown in eForm16 has to match the Name reflected on your passport. If the Names are not the same, please do not submit eForm16 yet. Email the STP administrator immediately at and attach a copy of your passport biodata page for assistance.

Pay the SGD$45 non-refundable processing fee to ICA using any of the following payment modes:

  • Visa or MasterCard credit/debit card or
  • American Express (AMEX) credit card or
  • Internet Direct Debit (DBS/POSB, OCBC, UOB and Standard Chartered Bank
  • Internet Banking accounts in Singapore) or
  • PayNow

Check the status of your STP application regularly at the same ICA website by logging in and click View Application Status on the Foreign Student Main Menu.

Once the status has changed to Receiving Attention (Request for Clarification), click Submit Clarification to answer ICA's questions, make the required declarations and/or upload documents requested by ICA. Please do so promptly by ICA’s stipulated deadline, otherwise your application will be withdrawn.

Once the status has changed to IPA (Pending Document Submission), it means that your STP application has been granted in-principle approval (IPA) by ICA.

Click Print Outcome Letter to download/print the In-Principle Approval (IPA) letter.

If you are currently overseas, we recommend you travel to Singapore only after receiving this IPA letter from ICA.

Important: This IPA letter is only valid for the period stated on the letter and is subject to the completion of all steps listed in ANNEX A of the letter i.e. completion of Step 5 & Step 6 of this guide, failing which, this IPA will be withdrawn. As such, please check the Application Status regularly and submit any clarification or document required by ICA promptly.

IPA (Pending Document Submission)

Click Upload Documents and Download Form to download the respective document templates. These documents include:

Once you have completed the documents, click Next to upload them. The status should be updated to IPA (Document Received) after you have uploaded the required documents.

IPA (Pending Clarification) Click Upload Documents to answer ICA's questions, make the required declarations and/or upload documents requested by ICA.
IPA (Pending Issuance Fee)

Click Make Payment to proceed with the STP issuance fee payment and a further multiple-journey visa fee payment to ICA, where applicable.

You may check the payments you have made by selecting Enquire Payment History in the Foreign Student Main Menu to view/download/print all payment history of your STP Application.


Click Make Appointment. You will be redirect to e-Appointment page to book an appointment for the completion of STP formalities and collection of your STP card.

Select Completion of Student's Pass Formalities, select For Self and key in your FIN of student and e-appointment ID (refer to your IPA letter for these information) and click Submit. Choose an available timeslot from the dates and timings shown.

Completion of STP Formalities and Issue of STP: You have to show up in person at the ICA Building on the scheduled appointment date and time. Please refer to your IPA letter for more information on what documents to bring on your appointment day for submission to ICA.

Your STP application will be completed only after you have been issued the digital STP by ICA. This STP will be valid from the date of issuance, covering the duration of your study at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. Please note that your current stay pass (for example: DP, secondary school STP, short term visit pass, etc) will be terminated by ICA upon the issuance of this new digital STP, as you are only allowed to hold one valid stay pass.

Important: Please complete Step 6 before the expiry of your IPA letter, otherwise your STP application will be invalidated by ICA, which may result in overstaying and/or withdrawal from the course of study.

Once you have been issued the digital STP by ICA in Step 6, the final step is to submit a copy of your digital STP for our records, using this form @