Banner photo of people from different races for Centre for Organisational Resilience and Inclusion
Centre for Organisational Resilience and Inclusion (CORI)
Minister Chan Chun Sing at the launch of Centre for Organisational Resilience and Inclusion
Minister Chan at Launch of CORI

CORI's purpose is to help organisations create alignment so that collective energies can be channelled towards organisational success.

- Education Minister Chan Chun Sing at Launch of CORI on 1 Aug 2024

Conversations & Lunch-time Talks

Bringing Health and Wholeness to Human Systems

These short sharing sessions are designed to be an introduction to the field of organisational development and systems dynamics, an emerging body of work that is gaining significance as our human systems come under increasing scarcity, complexity, and fragmentation. Through the lens of human system theory, participants will gain awareness of their selves, and gain insights into human dynamics within a system.

  • Duration: 90 minutes per session
  • Maximum number of participants: 30
  • Modality: Preferably in-person, although online is also possible


  • What does it take to move an organisation?
  • Unpacking emotions as critical data for system functioning and health
  • Identifying and managing resistances when attempting to enact change
  • How we navigate uncertainties and design for healthier working environments
  • Enhancing collective wellbeing through critical conversations
  • Building trust for personal and workplace effectiveness

This is a non-exhaustive list. Detailed synopsis could be provided upon request. Come talk to us!