Who learns on a Smart Campus

At the early admissions exercise, Zara is able to get guidance on her application and gets shortlisted for interviews with the help of our Early Admissions Exercise Virtual Assistant, EVA. This is the first time ever that help is rendered through an AI-enabled platform!

Zara secures a place and her smart learning journey in NP begins!

Zara and her classmates attend lessons in next-gen classrooms which are equipped with multiple short-throw touch-operated projectors and configurable layouts to provide a richer teaching and learning experience.

Through casting from their respective groups, Zara and her classmates are able to effortlessly share notes and presentations during group discussions.

More than 150 exciting CCAs and upcoming events are made available to Zara and her classmates through Catalyst, a mobile-friendly e-student planner, specially designed to help students to excel and grow through exploring new passions.

With constant reminders and personalized pacing, when it comes to exams, Zara feels prepared! She turns on her laptops and completes her e-exams.

Coupled with the use of smart books from the library, Zara and her classmates are able to get personalized instruction and obtain more ideas for their project.

Learning also takes place remotely, with Zara engaging in learning and collaborative discussions online from the comfort of home.

Smart learning does not just happen within the campus. Zara and her classmates get project or internship opportunities to be involved in AI, from healthcare innovations to intelligent technology in autonomous vehicles!

At the Office of Immersion & Careers (OIC), Zara and her classmates immerse in Virtual Reality to experience potential workplaces and practise for panel interviews and public speaking.

Zara and friends also develop their own digital portfolios to showcase their skills and competencies beyond academic excellence through opportunities of self-discovery and career exploration found in the OIC!

At the end of the learning journey at NP, Zara is issued digital certificates through OpenCerts, a blockchain-based platform. Request for certified hardcopies of certificates is no longer needed.