Who plays on a Smart Campus

Ethan arrives at the campus and is greeted by a robot concierge, Rosy, at the Student Services Visitor Centre (SSVC). Rosy provides him with campus information and directions.

Next, Ethan’s attention is drawn to the displays on the multi-touch table. He explores course information through the interactive applications on the touch screen.

As Ethan walks around SSVC, he sees an interactive wall that screens corporate information in different formats.

In addition, Ethan discovers a telemedicine booth which provides convenient access to medical care for students and staff.

Ethan looks for a less crowded canteen by assessing a link which serves as crowd density monitor.

After digesting all that information, Ethan hops on the driverless shuttle to get to his next destination. Time for lunch!

Ethan finds out that there are other service bots at the campus library and is keen to meet them. With the help of the virtual assistant, locating books is breeze.

Before going on a campus tour, Ethan uses the interactive navigator to find info about staff and locations on campus.

As Ethan enjoys the ride in the driverless vehicles, he notices the surrounding smart buildings which allow for efficient and cost-effective energy consumption.

Ethan is confident of finding his way around with the use of digital signages as a wayfinding solution where discovering how to get to a certain location is just a click away.

Touring around the campus, Ethan gets up-to-date digital information through signages that populate the walls of buildings and is glad to be plugged in to the myriad of activities and events in NP!