Minister Chan Chun Sing at the launch of Centre for Organisational Resilience and Inclusion
Minister Chan at Launch of CORI

CORI's purpose is to help organisations create alignment so that collective energies can be channelled towards organisational success.

- Education Minister Chan Chun Sing at Launch of CORI on 1 Aug 2024

Banner photo of people from different races for Centre for Organisational Resilience and Inclusion
Centre for Organisational Resilience and Inclusion (CORI)
Minister Chan Chun Sing at the launch of Centre for Organisational Resilience and Inclusion
Minister Chan at Launch of CORI

CORI's purpose is to help organisations create alignment so that collective energies can be channelled towards organisational success.

- Education Minister Chan Chun Sing at Launch of CORI on 1 Aug 2024

Banner photo of people from different races for Centre for Organisational Resilience and Inclusion
Centre for Organisational Resilience and Inclusion (CORI)
Up Next: Minister Chan at Launch of CORI

About CORI

CORI provides training, consultancy and research in human system design to enable organisations and communities to grow inclusion and resilience in the face of increasing diversity and adversity. Drawing from rich and multidisciplinary bodies of work, CORI offers insights into the often invisible or unnoticed forces at play in our human systems. Through our suite of offerings, CORI will empower individuals with the knowledge to accurately strategise and intervene for the work that they are a part of, be it in the workplace, community and relationships.

What CORI offers

While the levers of resilience are often associated with finances, physical infrastructure and processes, a key determinant of resilience is social capital. With people at the heart of any successful organisational and resilience strategy, CORI aims to enable organisations to rise above crises and maintain their sustainability. We lend expertise in:

Training and Education

To provide learning as a platform for individuals and teams to understand and intervene on human systems and experiences to bring health and resilience to the workplace or the communities they live in.

Research and Advisory

To draw on expertise from different disciplines in applied research to develop actionable models and case study to advance next practice.


To work with organisations to diagnose underlying issues that may be impeding their ability to manage disruptions and diversity, and to provide solutions to bring about sustained transformation towards greater organisational health and resilience.

Training Programmes


CORI's training offerings include two certificate programmes, which consists of 11 modules. These modules can be taken individually as short term courses, or collectively to form two certificates. The two certificates are:

  • Certificate 1: The Diagnosis and Design of Effective Organisations (8 modules)
  • Certificate 2: Effective Design & Delivery of Intervention in Human Systems (3 modules)
Learning Outcomes of CORI programmes:
  • To acquire the language of human systems and theories supporting organisational resilience;
  • To deepen capacity and skills in bringing about sustained transformation in health and resilience within human systems; and
  • To build the expertise to design and develop effective systems for organisational resilience across sectors.
Target Audience

Any working professional responsible for the leading of a human system - family, team, department, division, company or group. The curriculum is also relevant for professionals in human resources or organisational development roles.


CORI partners with the Institute of Human Resource Professionals (IHRP) to offer skills badges in emerging HR topics such as Organisational Change, HR Consulting and Future of Work Architect upon completing selected modules. These are digital badges that validate new skills earned and enable potential employers to instantly authenticate your competencies. Completing each individual module allows you to attain a Basic badge, while completing all required modules under each certificate would give you a Proficient badge. More details below!

Certificate 1:

The Diagnosis and Design of Effective Organisations (160 hours)

Certificate 1 workshops to run from November 2024 onwards. Upon completion of all the modules under Certificate 1, learners will be awarded the IHRP Skills Badge (Proficient) in Organisational Change and HR Consulting.

ModuleTitleUpcoming RunsDetails
1Understanding systems: measuring, mapping and maximising organisational value amidst complex human dynamics28 and 29 Aug 2025 *New Dates!Refer to CETA website for costing details
2Moving an organisation forward: creating a felt sense of purpose, ambition, and values in your organisations16 and 17 Oct 2025 *New Dates!
3Diagnosing trust and power dynamics: identifying the elements that support our systems to work (or not work) together13 and 14 Nov 2025 *New Dates!
4Building Resilience in Organisation - Understanding How a System Sustains Itself and the Roles We Take to Preserve Our Emotional Reserves8 and 9 Jan 2026 *New Dates!
5Understanding paradox and polarity: working through dilemmas, tensions and conflict in organisation5 and 6 Feb 2026 *New Dates!
6Seeing covert dynamics in our organisation - Identifying and working with the unconscious, unspoken, and unspeakable, and that which contributes to system fragmentation and dysfunction5 and 6 Mar 2026 *New Dates!
7Understanding moods and culture: identifying and shifting emotional patterns in human systems for vibrancy and health10 and 11 Apr 2025Register here
8Priming a system for innovation culture: building meaningful containment of systems to manage risk, anxiety, and resistance8 and 9 May 2025Register here

Certificate 2:

Effective Design & Delivery of Intervention in Human Systems (140 hours)

Certificate 2 workshops to run from January 2025 onwards. Upon completion of all the modules under Certificate 2, learners will be awarded the IHRP Skills Badge (Proficient) in Organisational Change, HR Consulting and Future of Work Architect.

ModuleTitleUpcoming RunDetails
9Understanding the Self in Organisational Systems13 to 16 May 2025Register here
10Understanding Systems and What That Means for Self26 to 30 May 2025Refer to CETA website for costing details
11Designing For and Intervening In Complex Human Systems27 Jun, 4 Jul, 11 Jul, 15 Aug and 22 Aug 2025


Learners may also attain Skills Badges (Basic) upon completing individual modules. Click on each module to find out more!

Module 1: Understanding Systems

Measuring, mapping and maximising organisational value amidst complex human dynamics

Module 2: Moving an Organisation Forward

Creating a felt sense of purpose, ambition, and values in your organisations while working with resistance

Module 3: Diagnosing Trust and Power Dynamics

Identifying the Elements that Support Our Systems to Work (Or Not Work) Together

Module 4: Building Resilience in Organisation

Understanding How a System Sustains Itself and the Roles We Take to Preserve Our Emotional Reserves

Module 5: Understanding Paradox and Polarity

Working Through Dilemmas, Tensions and Conflict in Organisation

Module 6: Seeing covert dynamics in our organisation

Identifying and working with the unconscious, unspoken, and unspeakable, and that which contributes to system fragmentation and dysfunction

Module 7: Understanding Moods and Culture

Identifying and Shifting Patterns in Human Systems for Vibrancy and Health

Module 8: Priming a System for Innovation Culture

Managing Risk, Anxiety, and Resistance

Module 9: Understanding the Self in Organisational Systems

Module 10: Understanding Systems and What That Means for Self

Module 11: Designing For and Intervening In Complex Human Systems

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Yes! All Singaporeans and PRs are able to enjoy SkillsFuture subsidies of up to 90% (for aged 40 and above) and 70% (for age 40 and below). There are other support schemes available. Do check the course registration link for details.

Of course! All Singaporeans aged 25 and above can use their SkillsFuture Credit from the government to pay for a wide range of approved skills-related courses. CORI courses are part of the approved list.

The courses will be led by Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s Academic Partner Tong Yee, who is also an Organisational Development consultant and founder of AND Pte Ltd. Certain modules will be co-taught and co-facilitated by faculty members of Ngee Ann Polytechnic.

No, each module is designed to be modular and independent. While there are interconnections between each module, they may also be taken separately.

Learners who complete modules 1 to 8 will get a Certificate in The Diagnosis and Design of Effective Organisations. Learners who complete modules 9 to 11 will get a Certificate in Effective Design & Delivery of Intervention in Human Systems.

In addition, CORI partners with the Institute of Human Resource Professionals (IHRP) to offer skills badges in emerging HR topics such as Organisational Change, HR Consulting and Future of Work Architect upon completing selected modules. These are digital badges that validate new skills earned and enable potential employers to instantly authenticate your competencies. Completing each individual module allows you to attain a Basic badge, while completing all required modules under each certificate would give you a Proficient badge. More details at our website!

No, there is no timeline. However, we do recommend learners to complete the modules as soon as they can, as we may continue to review and restructure the curriculum after a period of time.

As part of fulfilling the requirements for SkillsFuture, each module will have an assessment component. They may come in the form of (and not limited to): essays, reflections, demonstrations, individual or group presentations, projects, quizzes and others. Assessments will be conducted within the scheduled class time.

Yes, subsequent runs of the programme will be announced at a later date.

For this first run, all courses are conducted during weekdays. However, for some of the subsequent runs, we are exploring to conduct classes on weekday nights and weekends. Do look out for them.

All our courses are conducted in person (face to face), as we believe that the value of learning lies in being in presence of each other. Some modules will have an online asynchronous component.

Registration for other modules and runs will be open 2 months before the commencement date. Do look out for the latest information on our website!